
December 23, 2020

What is pseudo-translation?

What is pseudo-translation? If someone at Scriptis tells you they are running a pseudo-translation on your content, don’t worry. It doesn’t mean that we’re off our game. Pseudo-translation allows us to spot potential problems in the layout or display of your translated document, website, or […] (Read more...)

December 23, 2020

The business case for e-learning translation

The business case for e-learning translation The business case for e-learning is well-established, but what about the business case for e-learning translation? How can you assess the ROI of translating and localizing e-learning for foreign-language audiences? First, let’s look briefly at the factors for analyzing the […] (Read more...)

December 23, 2020

Translation for HMI (Human-Machine Interface) strings

Translation for HMI (Human-Machine Interface) strings Our clients in automotive and manufacturing often require translation for HMI (Human-Machine Interface) strings. Translating HMI strings is not as straightforward as you might think. This type of project requires ongoing communication between the client, the project manager, and […] (Read more...)

December 14, 2020

Why do you need a translation style guide?

Why do you need a translation style guide? How can you ensure your brand image remains consistent when translating content for the global marketplace? Many businesses use style guides to create English language content, but they may not realize the importance of developing one for their […] (Read more...)

December 14, 2020

Multilingual DTP (Desktop Publishing): Process and Procedures

Multilingual DTP (Desktop Publishing): Process and Procedures When translating print or digital media such as brochures, catalogs, ads, or posters, you’ll typically need multilingual DTP (desktop publishing) services as well. The new language will change the look and layout of your design. When translating into […] (Read more...)