13 results found for: transcreation

What is transcreation?

What is transcreation? Great marketing copy doesn’t happen overnight. It requires multiple iterations of concept testing, rewriting, and audience testing. The process becomes more difficult when you’re creating content in multiple languages. Recently, Brand Quarterly argued that there are only two strategies for localizing marketing messages: […]

marketing translation

Marketing translation: the transcreation process

Marketing translation: the transcreation process Marketing translation demands more than simple translation. You’ve carefully crafted your message to convey your brand personality and appeal to your audience at an emotional level. To reach hearts as well as minds, you use familiar words and symbols to excite, […]

Foreign language voice-over: what’s involved?

Foreign language voice-over: what’s involved? You’ve prepared a business presentation, an ad campaign, an e-learning module, or a product demonstration video with voice-over, and you need it localized for global audiences. Creating a foreign language voice-over includes: Script translation Voice selection Actual voice recording Delivery […]

Software localization best practices

Software localization best practices If you plan to market your software solutions globally, translation and localization are essential steps. From the outside, the software localization process can look like a “black box.” Let’s open the box. Understanding software localization best practices helps you prepare for […]

b2b ecommerce translation

B2B e-commerce translation

B2B e-commerce translation What explains the rapid growth of online B2B sales? Scalability of cloud platforms and mobile access began the acceleration. The changing needs of buyers and the current sales environment shifted it into high gear. As business processes, logistics, and warehousing become automated, […]