The Scriptis client portal: how it benefits you

The Scriptis client portal: how it benefits you

The Scriptis portal is offered at no cost to our customers. Clients tell us how much quicker and easier the project launch process has become, especially when employees from different departments require translation services. Here’s a quick rundown of the benefits provided by the client portal.

The portal reduces back-and-forth between clients and project managers

The biggest improvement for clients, and for us, is a reduction in the number of emails sent and received. The average worker receives over 120 emails a day. Most of these are spam, and many more are copies of conversations between colleagues. When important emails get lost in the clutter, it’s frustrating!

The client portal allows you to submit source material directly to the team, along with specifications and other documents. Our automated system performs word counts and checks the content against the client-specific translation memory to generate a quote, which is reviewed and confirmed by the project manager.

The process works perfectly for simple, routine translation requests. For more complex projects, project managers are always available during business hours to discuss the details. A face-to-face conversation can be far more productive than a written exchange. Plus, project managers have more time to talk with clients now that they aren’t spending all their time dealing with email!

You can track your team’s translation requests

Instead of relying on the “sent” email box or your own notes, you can see at-a-glance which projects are in process. This is especially useful for getting an overview of projects submitted by multiple individuals from different departments. Or, if you are not sure if a document has already been translated, you can check the portal for past projects and see if it’s there. And if you need to remind yourself of a deadline, it’s easy to check the project’s deadline in the portal.

Faster turnaround times and stabilized pricing

The portal relieves our team of extra administrative work. That leaves more time for our translators to pursue their true profession: translation! Since implementing the portal, we’ve been able to turn our projects around more quickly and efficiently.

Like every business over the past few years, Scriptis has been managing the impact of global inflation. The Technology & Innovation team at Scriptis works hard to streamline our processes and maximize our productivity. Through improvements like the client portal, our team keeps pace with our customers’ needs while maintaining competitive rates and fair wages for our language professionals.

As your language partner, we know a good working relationship starts with clear communication. If you have questions about the portal, or if you aren’t sure whether you are making full use of all its features, our project managers will be happy to provide an in-person training session. Send us a note at PM [at]