Many of Scriptis’ clients first come to us for English <> French translation for Canada. Our in-house team provides a wide range of English <> French language services for clients in automotive and manufacturing, health and life sciences, finance, insurance, retail, and information technology. And when our clients expand to markets outside of North America, Scriptis manages their multilingual translation projects. We routinely handle document and multimedia translation into 20 languages or more.
Our clients find that they save time and money by sourcing all their translation needs with Scriptis, instead of working with multiple single-language vendors. The Scriptis team becomes a substitute for an in-house language department, providing professional vendor and project management functions to deliver consistent quality across all languages. Here’s how we provide great multilingual translation services:
Our vendor management department recruits and monitors our language partners around the world. We conduct all project-related communication with vendors on behalf of our clients. Even the simplest translation project generates flurries of emails; sometimes a complex multilingual, multimedia project launches a blizzard. Our people and systems can handle this efficiently and systematically.
When evaluating potential multilingual translation partners, we look for the following:
We pride ourselves on our excellent project management team. At Scriptis, we assign each client to a dedicated project manager specializing in their industry. Our project managers are located in Canada or the United States. This makes Scriptis unique for its size. Some multi-language vendors outsource project management to Eastern Europe or the Middle East, making communication more difficult. Our project managers are bilingual speakers of both English and French. In addition, they possess:
Complex digital content like mobile apps and e-learning modules present additional challenges. We use the term “localization” to describe the process of adapting both language and function for multilingual and international users. When a client needs these services, our localization engineers work with the project manager and the client’s development team to establish an efficient means for translating the text while preserving essential functionality.
Click here for an overview of localization engineering services.
When localization engineering comes into play, assigning a multilingual project to a single language partner becomes practically a necessity. Instead of working with a host of providers, the client’s development team can establish a single process for all the languages. Every complex project teaches new lessons to apply to future collaborations.
As your dedicated project manager becomes more familiar with your organization’s content and processes, they will need to consult with you less and less. Scriptis uses client-specific translation memories, term bases, and style guides. There is a reason why our largest clients have come to Scriptis for our expert translation again and again: the convenience and savings of sourcing all their language needs through a single team.