
September 2, 2020

E-Learning translation: how to minimize integration costs

E-Learning translation: how to minimize integration costs Most e-learning clients only think about translation and localization after they’ve already designed a course in English. However, designing with localization in mind saves time and money. Here are issues that instructional designers can address during the development […] (Read more...)

September 1, 2020

Translation for RFPs: how a language partner can help you win

Translation for RFPs: how a language partner can help you win Submitting a foreign language competitive bid?   Professional translation for RFPs can help you win the contract. It’s not unusual for our clients to have already used Google Translate to get a cursory read of […] (Read more...)

September 1, 2020

Translating voice-overs for e-learning: best practices

Translating voice-overs for e-learning: best practices When planning for multilingual e-learning, an instructional designer can choose between subtitles or voice-overs. Subtitles are less expensive, but voice-overs are better when on-screen activities require the viewer’s full attention. In addition, voice-overs can foster a closer engagement with […] (Read more...)

September 1, 2020

What is localization engineering?

What is localization engineering? The cost of a document translation project depends on three things:  the language pair (some are more expensive than others), the size of the document (usually based on the word count), and the level of specialization required by the translator (subject matter experts are more expensive).  A website […] (Read more...)

September 1, 2020

What does the ISO 17100 translation services certification mean for our customers?

What does the ISO 17100 translation services certification mean for our customers? Our ISO 17100 certification demonstrates to our prospective clients that our processes and policies meet the highest international standards for the language service industry. The certification is a source of professional pride, and […] (Read more...)